Voice Over Training: Record and Edit Voice Overs Like A Pro

How to record a Professional Voice-Over at home. Improve your voice with these techniques and grab the market all over the world.

4.8 (ratings 956) | Students enrolled 5,740

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This course includes

  • Total 6 hours Sessions
  • lifetime access for Videos
  • Softcopy of Material
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Attend Free Workshops!
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Why not fall into the world of showbiz and learn how to take full control of your voice and the way you deliver words.

The Voice over Training not only gives you the opportunity to record voice-overs professionally, but it will improve your presentation skills too!

NOW is the perfect time! You can use your new voice over skills for video productions, audio books, podcast, product promotional videos, instructional videos, and affiliate/review videos, or choose to provide your own voice over service and get solid regular clients from all over the countries and work at your time from your own home studio.

Almost non-English-speaking countries have an expanding number of organisations who need English versions of existing native media, giving even more opportunities to English-speaking voice artists.

But how do you get the work? If you haven’t got an agent or don’t want to get a voice-over agent, how can you identify the companies and producers who will hire you for voice overwork?

At last! Voice over marketing is a packed two hours’ worth of easy to follow, professional training also with recorded videos, that will take you through how to engage with high paying clients for different types of voice-over works.

This Voice over training is utterly essential for new voice artists! This course is also targeted to voice artists who have got established but have found their rate of income is not rising as fast as for the market price.

In this course, we will show you real-time tricks which work and solid information to get a steady stream of clients who will contact you directly for every suitable job.

This course has been created by Mrs. Swathi, a leading international voice over artist trainer. She teaches you how to use your voice as a musical instrument, giving you full control over volume, pace, pitch, and script interpretation.

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Section 01: Voice over Equipment

  • Introduction
  • Setting Up Recording Studio at home
  • Best voice-over Recording equipment
  • Top 3 Audio Editing Software
  • Check our External Recording Studio

Section 02: Voice Over Training

  • Warming up your voice
  • Improve the resonance and voice depth
  • Mouth closure tips
  • Importance of five vocal elements
  • Importance of upwards and downward sitch movement
  • How to close sentence ends
  • Importance of voice questions
  • Reading lists
  • How to speak naturally
  • Speaking with variety
  • How To check voice hard words and numbers correctly
  • How to pronounce hard URL’s and web addresses
  • Finally practice!

Section 03: Reading Scripts And Using Appropriate Voice Styles

  • Mistakes New Voice Overs Make
  • Getting in the head of the listener

Section 04: Anchoring Voice Styles And Accents

  • “Announcer" Voice
  • “Narrator" Voice
  • “Hard Sell" Voice
  • “Trainer" Voice
  • Body Movements When Recording

Section 05: Marketing Your Services

  • The Business Model And Workflow
  • Creating Demo Showreels
  • Marketing Your Services Part 1
  • Marketing Your Services Part 2
  • Marketing Your Services Part 3
  • Closing

What you’ll learn

  • You’ll learn the fundamentals of voice acting
  • Also how to voice act more convincingly
  • Learn how to start your career as a voice over artist.
  • Learn tips and tricks from experts
    Access to our Facebook group where you can meet other active and successful voice over artist there.
  • You can start recording YouTube, TV and Radio commercial voice over from home to a similar standard as your favourite voice over/actor
  • Use your voice to deliver your script with energy and enthusiasm and keep your listener engaged
  • You may have a wonderful voice and a quality studio, but you don’t know how to earn a good income without these essential marketing tips!
  • Receive updates and on-going training to any additional content that we add to this course.


  • A microphone is essential + stand (optional)
  • A computer, PC, laptop or MacBook + audio editing software (available free)
  • A pop shield (optional but recommended)
  • Digital Recorder
  • Excited to sell your voice over the web and ready to take action.