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What is Word Press?

Want to Know more about what is the difference between and Then you are in the right place. Word Press is an open source Content Management System(CMS) used by nearly 75 million websites. It is desgined human-friendly interface for everyone,wordpress is free to install.

  • Word Press is the simplest and most easiest and poplur way to create your own website or a blogging system
  • Word Press is a software designed for everyone emphasizing accessibility, performance, security and it’s ease to use.

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Here you will understand what is the difference between and What are uses of .com & .org and which platform is easy to use to build a personal or professional sites.

What is

Word is a simple and most popular way of creating a website or a blog buy your own. Word Press is a self hosted platform and most easiest way and popular way for creating youe site or blog.

  • is a hosted services, where you can set up a website or a blog that runs on wordpress.
  • Requests you to sign up first, for an account to create your own website or blog.
  • WordPress is set up for you, so that you can have your own website or a blog in just less than 5 min.
  • Get the basic website functinality with a free plan, but the user will have to pay for upgrade to take more advanatages of additional features.
  • No plugins uploads allowed, no backend database or file can be access.
  • Choose the themes which are available free or preminum

What is

Word Press is often called a free an open source platform for Content Management Sytem(CMS) and is also an operating system for your Website or blog and it s 100% owned web-hosted for you.

  • is where you can download the wordpress software to use on your own website hosting account.
  • It requries a separates web hosting account to run a wordpress website.
  • Most of the hosts offers, you one time clicks installation if you don’t want to install yourself wordpress.
  • The WordPress software is totally free.
  • Uploads your own plugins to extend the functionality, then access and customize all backend codes, from the database and files.
  • Uploads your own free custom or premium themes to customise your own websites.